Monday, December 31, 2018

The Importance of Flowers and Herbs in your Garden

Planting Herbs and Flowers in your garden is great for the bees and butterfly's as well as for yourself. I have always included Herbs and Flowers in my garden not only for their culinary value but also for the beauty of it. There is something magical about butterflies zooming around the garden. The bees, butterfly's and other beneficial bugs they attract to the garden pollinate your vegetables and fruits and can make a difference of a good crop and an excellent crop. My vegetable harvests are always more abundant when i mix in the flowers and herbs. Photos from my garden in 2016 in Florida <a href="" imageanchor="1" > Choose an area where you will be spending the most time in the garden to plant your herbs and flowers. Such as near your greenhouse entrance or near a favorite shade tree or table you visit for lunch. Zinnia flowers are easy to grow and butterfly's love them. Rosemary and Thyme are a good choice along with cilantro when these go to seed they produce tiny flowers that the bees and butterflies enjoy. Photos of my garden in 2016 in Florida Cilantro going to seed. For more information on Herbs and herbal courses check out my friend Evelyn's Blog. Http://

1 comment:

  1. Our local beekeeper advised me to pland blue and purple flowers to assist his bees, apparently they can find them easily. I have lovely lavender around in pots now and believe there has been an increase.
