Hello Everyone!
Update: Lee Wheelbarger and I were married in West Virginia on June 9th 2018. We are excited to bring you the lasted news,weather and gardening tips from around the world.
Welcome to KLW World News. This page has been my blog for over 8 years. I took a break from it while Lee and I managed another ranch here in Florida for 2 years. We have now decided to live on our boat Electric Blue Solar Yacht and bring you daily news.
I want to continue on with my Eden Creek Farm blog because i feel it is a document of history and knowledge. So here we go!
I was watching Diamond and it went into another show on YouTube and I saw the phone number area code,863, which is the same as mine. We were in Lake Placid, and moved to Bokeelia about 7 yrs ago, I spent my misspent youth in east Ft Myers 45 yrs ago. We grow onions tomatoes and stuff here, I used to have a small farm in south jersey. Love your website, I am familiar with Labelle, had no idea you guys were this close, have heard David reference you folks many times. I grew up near where David was, across the Delaware fiver in the pine barrens of south jersey. Well, just wanted to say hello, merry Christmas and great stuff you guys got going on there. John