Bad News
CSA members...we got golf ball size hail and larger in yesterday's storm.

We were lucky the tornado missed us but we had very high winds. The farm has suffered some damage.
All of the critters made it through O.K. but the garden has some major damage. The photo's below do not show just how bad it really is.

Beet greens shredded.

Leeks all broken.

The chard is mangled.
We will do the best we can to salvage each and every plant but we may be canceling some delivery days in the future. We will keep you posted.
Oh no you guys!! Kristine, Steve let me know if there is anything any of us up here can do to help!! My farm hasn't had a drop of rain to speak of in weeks and I've been whining about that, but I'd rather irrigate every day than what you all are going through. Bless you both!! And bless your CSA - that's what it's all about!!