The girls went to Bob's Feed and purchased 6 baby chick to donate to our egg house. Their names are: Giddian,Peanut,Shuffles,Uua,Fergie and Kalou!
Our girls are growing up! We will be moving them out to our Chicken tractor soon....
We had a fun time with potato sack races...
The girls getting ready to go on a buggy ride!
Kristine's sister Julie stopped by with eleven little gifts...the girls named them: Petunia, Penny, Greg, Marco, Donald, Quakers, Sunflower, Daisy, Brittany , Blaze and Waddles
Curtis and Teresa from McNeese Drilling Company brought the pump the day it got in. Thanks Curtis and Teresa!!! If you need a well drilled or pump them at 903-851-5178.
I'm a star!