Sunday, March 30, 2014

Farm Work Day!

I would like to say Thank you to all the volunteers who came out to work at the farm.
We accomplished so much and fun!

Sunday, March 23, 2014


I did a test last week with my two is a rear tine tiller the other a front tine tiller.

I love them both and they both get the job done but....

The pony rear tine on hard ground will yank you off your feet. After you make a pass or
two and get the hard ground broke up it works great but until then hold on.

The rear tine tiller is a bit easier to handle and does not drag you along.

I have tilled as much as 1/3 of an acre with the pony tiller... for larger areas ... I hire out
a tractor.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Mortgage Lifter Tomatoes

Thank you so much Sandra and Randal Giouard for the generous donation of
organic fertilizer and T-post for the garden! 
Planted 100 Heirloom tomato plants today. My favorite " Mortgage Lifter" .

Planting some of the tomatoes in the green house this year. We will see if they get
enough air flow. Hoping to keep my Mortgage Lifter producing in here through winter.